Hear Demo

Magnus Carlssen

Voice Actor.

Audiobook Narrator.


You found your inner voice, and let your heart speak.

Now let me be the voice that makes your story come alive!

Learn more

Your Vision Is Important

Telling the story Your Way

As a narrator and voice actor, I believe that it is deeply important to be true to your creative intent.

This means that before even the first chapter title is recorded, I like to discuss how I can bring those characters to the listener in a way that presents the story in the most natural, authentic way - almost as if you yourself were narrating.

Crafting an audiobook is an author and narrator, working together, to create an experience for the listener that is not only immersive, but irresistable.


Highest Level of Quality

Professional Standards, Professional Results

An investment in world-class equipment means my work will stand up with the best.

Don't believe me? Ask Andy Serkis.

I use the same microphone that he did when recording 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit' audiobooks. If it's good enough for Tolkien, it's good enough for me.

My Story

Jumping out of the boat

I've been a creative maverick all my life. Growing up on a small homestead in the midwest, self-expression was the default - while we weren't exactly isolated, I had more time than the average kid to roam around in the woods, build forts, and write adventure stories in my head.

As soon as I completed high school, I started making movies and shooting stop-motion films. A few years later, I was traveling the country working in the camera department on ultra-low-budget independent films. I learned a lot about the world, and about acting, and about how (and why) stories are told.

Eventually, family life caught up with me, and career paths forked for a while. I settled down to be a dad. I learned how to be an IT nerd. I even spent a few years working for an Amish company. It was a nice, stable life.

...but eventually, the creative arts came calling again, and I could not resist its siren song.

I have no youthful dreams of being famous anymore, but I do believe that there are stories out there that I can tell better than anyone else might, and if you'll give me the opportunity to try, then I think we might do all right by each other.

I hope you enjoy these performances as much as I enjoyed giving them.

  • 2004-2009 Assistant Camera, Motion Pictures. 6 feature film credits, a dozen commercial/brand-film credits.
  • 2010-2016 Freelance cinematographer, senior editor. Brand films, commercials, even one or two PA gigs for Treehouse Masters.
  • 2017-2021 Senior IT Support Technician. Ever talked an Amish grandpa through resetting a printer, over the phone? Don’t be jealous.
  • 2017-2023 Voice actor, podcast host, audiobook narrator.

Meet Roy, Amber, and Christine

Don't take my word for it. Ask these authors.

Listen for yourself!

There's something for everyone

Languages and Accents

Where in the world is carmen san diego
  • English (US)

    American (Midwest)
    American (Southern, General)
    American (Cowboy/Western)

  • English (UK)

    British (RP)
    British (London)
    British (West)

  • English (European)

    Scottish (General)

  • English (South America)

    English (Mexican)



sE Electronics T2 Condenser
sE Electronics X1R Ribbon
Blue Spark SL Condenser
Motu M4 interface with ultra-clean preamps

Home Studio

Fully treated recording booth
HD video capable
SourceConnect Standard


Have something in mind?

Let's tell exceptional stories together

    Full name *

    Email address *

    Message *

    Magnus Carlssen
    Voice Actor & Narrator
    • IG @magnuscarlssen
    • Discord @snomsnomsnom4415
    • E-mail: magnus@carlssen.co.uk
    Magnus Carlssen